MJ Finnigan are proud to confirm that Bentley Motors have been repeat customers over the years. Due to site rules photography is banned on site so we are unable to share the stills of the works of this scheme. As one of the largest and best known vehicle manufacturing names in the world safety performance is of paramount importance especially for an activity such as demolition works.
The works involved the following key items were carried out:
(a) Ensure compliance at all times with the CDM Regulations and assist the Principle Designer wherever reasonably necessary;
(b) Comply with all conditions of the Consent Notices (Planning permission & Section 80 as issued by local Council).
(c) Carry out installation of site welfare compound.
(d) Ensure that all Statutory Undertakers’ Services have been traced, disabled, terminated and disconnected to the external boundaries of the site. MJ Finnigan will require written confirmation of the same.
(e) Remove all ACMs positively identified in the Type 3 Asbestos Surveys and dispose of the same to a properly licensed tip. All supporting documentation will be provided to confirm evidence of asbestos removal and disposal prior to carrying out the demolition of the Buildings.
(f) Remove all residual fixtures, fittings AC units, and mechanical and electrical equipment from the Site and dispose of the same at a properly licensed tip;
(g) Remove all salvageable materials from the building as part of the general internal soft strip works. MJ Finnigan will retain scrap metal.
(h) Dismantling of Asbestos Cement Roofs and removal of all non licensed ACMS.
(i) Carry out mechanical demolition of Buildings as per the corresponding method statement and risk assessment and the overall project phasing programme of works. All operatives to be fully inducted in their roles by MJ Finnigan site Manager. Demolition to slab level.
(j) Cap off and protect any existing drains exposed by the works that are to remain in situ.
(k) Cap off and protect any existing service trenches/ducts exposed by the works that are to remain in situ.
(l) Leave Building. 4 (Tool Room) in a structurally sound condition to ensure full-uninterrupted continuous use of the building and its facilities by Bentley Motors before, during and after the phases of the demolition.
(m) Careful demolition/removal of the North & South elevations as well as the existing roof structure of Building. 3 will be required where they adjoin the retained structure of Building. 4.
(n) Demolition of fencing adjacent to building 9.
(o) Crush all suitable non-contaminated material on site to 6F2 specification and stockpile at an agreed location on the site. Bentley Motors Ltd. will reuse this crushed material on future developments.
(p) Clear all debris, waste and scrap from the site and dispose of all of the same at a properly licensed tip.